Greetings fellow covid prisoners. Today Mr. Peabody is going to the way back machine to view the first video exam of someone’s main line I ever did. I had not been in business very long and got a call to a customer’s home for a flooded floor. This occurred due to a large summer storm and ground water seeping through foundation of the home. I got this cleared and flowing and the customer wanted me to do a video exam of the main line as well. I got out to the 25 ft mark and found this oddly shaped hole. As I cautiously pushed the camera forward, it went into the odd shaped hole and found a pool of water, a pipe at the other end of the pool, and if you look carefully, you will see a brick wall. This was from an uncrushed septic tank. I informed the customer and a short time after I was at the house, the septic tank was crushed and replaced with the proper drain line to the city sewer.

If you are in the process of selling your home and would like a video inspection of the sewer line to the street, please call at 651-338-6254 and I will make a color DVD for you to show to prospective buyers. Thank you for reading this. Full Video.